On July 25th, we had the first event in a series of events at the HELEN MILLS Event Space and Theater. The morning talk explored the state of data privacy. It was a thought-provoking discussion with delicious pastries, intriguing speakers and presentations. Thank you to everyone who attended, co-producer, Contagious, sponsor Flamingo, and all the great speakers! Below is a quick recap (with pictures!) for anyone who wasn't able to attend or who'd like more information about the speakers, their projects, and additional resources to explore. Enjoy!
HELEN MILLS Theater decorated with logos in portholes.
Arwa Mahdawi of Contagious (pictured below), moderated the discussion and panel. Arwa is the North American Strategy Director for Contagious and led the quantitative and qualitative research projects on privacy that Contagious recently undertook in conjunction with Flamingo and Opinium. Find the full report here. Arwa can also be found tweeting at ArwaM.
Kyle McDonald is an artist who works with open code. He started off the event by discussing the numerous projects he's worked on includuing one that involved an eavesdropping with a lightbulb that livetweets conversations via Mechanical Turk transcription. More of Kyle's work and thoughts can be found here and here.
Adam Harvey (pictured below, center), is an artist who spoke about his work in developing counter-surveillance designs. His Privacy Gift Shop will be premiering in the fall as part of the NEW INC, a museum led incubator located next door to the New Museum. More about Adam's projects here.
Eliza Esquivel (photo below), VP Global Brand Strategy at Mondelēz International, gave an inspiring talk about Focus: Life Gear by Trident, a project that explores the intersection between fashion, technology, a distraction-free lifestyle, and of course...gum. More about Eliza here.
Dee de Lara, associate director of Flamingo, wrapped up the presentations with her talk about work the agency has done on qualitatively studying privacy, what kind of consumers privacy want, and how brands can deliver it. Flamingo's study on data privacy can be found in its entirety here. Learn more about the New York Flamingo team here.